موقع الاسطورة للدومينات

موقع الاسطورة للدومينات يعتبر من افضل وارخص واسرع موقع لحجز الدومين وتسليمه كامل بلوحة التحكم الخاصة بالدومين وتركيب الدومين مجانا على اى من مدونة او موقع اطلب الخدمة الان واستمتع بمدونتك

احجز الدومين الان

ما نقدمه لك من خدمات


يقدم لك موقع الاسطورة خدمة حجز الدومين (النطاق الالكترونى) باسرع وقت بحيث يتم تلقي طلبك من مسؤلي الدعم الفني للخدمة وحجز الدومين بحيث يكون سعر الدومين 30 جنيه وفى حالة طلب اكثر من دومين يتم خصم 50% من قيمة الدومين الثانى


يوفر لك موقع الاسطورة خدمة الخصوصية فى معلومات الدومين او النطاق الالكترونى يستلم العميل كل المعلومات اللازمة للدخول الى لوحة تحكم الدومين او تجديده يسلم ملف كامل به الايميل والباسورد الخاصين بالدومين

الجمعة، 1 مايو 2020


The dramatic increase in birth rates is offset by a decline in mortality rates as available resources stabilize and have had many negative impacts on all walks of life, whether economic, social or environmental.
But it also has positive implications for the availability of manpower (China as an example), which is a key requirement for industrial and scientific progress and contribute to the advancement of development.

Subject elements: 
Population growth 
Definition and reasons and effects on different activities
2. Compounds and chemical elements and increased thermal emissions and their effects on climate elements in climatic regions 
It's a good place to be.
Population growth 
Population growth is the huge difference between increased birth rates and lower mortality rates in what is known as population explosion or population bomb. With the stability of the available resources and the inability of the infrastructure of countries to cope with this increase.
Reasons for increased birth rates
Early marriage 
3- Birth love and frequent reproduction 
Prevailing customs and traditions 
5. Widespread illiteracy 
Causes of low mortality 
1- The progress of medicine 
2. High standard of living 
3- Spreading health awareness and setting up hospitals

• Population growth on food security 
There is an inverse relationship between population growth in any country and food supply
 - It leads to insufficient agricultural production and daily food, especially basic materials such as wheat.
- Affect the strategic stock of food without increasing production. 
- The increase in the population that is weak in health as a result of poor nutrition, which does not strengthen work and production, has a significant impact on food security, for example (Somalia).
- The lack of modern methods in agriculture and industry leads to the lack of food requirements in a large way.
- Led to a decrease in per capita in Egypt, for example, from one acre to one in 9 citizens to one acre per 15 citizens, as well as a decrease in its share of water, where the per capita amount reached 800 cubic meters from 2000 cubic meters.
Economic impact of population growth
The average annual income of an individual and his family has declined.
Increasing unemployment rates, lack of employment opportunities and increasing immigration rates abroad.
- The collapse of public and service facilities such as facilities and health facilities because they are unable to absorb the great population pressure in employment.
- Directly affect the production process as a result of traffic jams and delays in work.
- Increasing consumption of individuals negatively affects savings as a result of high prices and leads to a lower standard of living.

• Social impact of population growth 
Increasing poverty, unemployment and a sense of oppression.
- Hatred and hatred among the strata of society where the rich have access to services and food.
- The spread of ignorance and flight from education increased.
- Defects in psychological and cultural composition and social relations within poor areas, which leads to the spread of social crimes such as theft.

the effects of population increase on environmental aspects
The following is a review of population increases and their impact on the availability of chemical elements and compounds and the increase in greenhouse gas emissions and their effects on climate elements in climate regions.
Chemical compound: It is a chemical material consisting of two or more chemical elements chemically different with a constant ratio that determines the composition. The ratio of each element is usually expressed in chemical terms.
 Chemical interaction: breaking the existing bonds between the molecules of reactive substances and forming new bonds between the molecules of the atoms of the material resulting from the reaction.
These chemical reactions have positive and negative effects.
Positive effects: Through which we get thousands of vehicles that are used in many industries such as pharmaceutical sand, fuel, plastics, soap and perfume industries.
Negative effects: We are concerned with the adverse consequences of some chemical reactions that lead to a change in air components.
Such reactions that cause pollution to environmental elements (air-water- soil) such as fuel combustion, which results in many harmful gases such as:
Carbon oxides - sulphur oxides - nitrogen oxides
These gases are caused by the combustion of coal and cellulose fiber, such as paper and cigarettes, as well as from forest fires, burning of garbage and factory waste.

These chemical reactions directly affect the climate and its elements in the climate regions.
The climate is a description of the weather conditions in a given area for a long period of time that can last up to months or years.

الأربعاء، 8 أبريل 2020

اهلا وسهلا


أحصائيات الخدمة

55 من الدعم
عدد المساهمات في الأسبوع
400 عميل
متوسط العملاء خلال السنة

فريق العمل

الكاتب الأول
متخصص فوتوشوب
الكاتب الثاني
الكاتب الثالث
خبير تسويق
الكاتب الرابع
كاتبة مقالات

احجز الدومين

اشترى الدومين الان من موقعنا

قم بملئ نموذج الحجز اكتب الاسم وايميلك الذى سوف نتواصل معاك من خلاله وفي خانة الرسالة اكتب الدومين الذى تريده واذا كان توجد ملاحظات قم بكتابتها

عنوان الشركة:

مصر, الاسماعيلية

أوقات العمل:

جميع ايام االاسبوع من 9 ص الــى 6 م

